General Regulations
The college functions as a community and it is expected of each member of the community that he/she respect the rights of others as individuals and should provide space for them to grow in knowledge and attain selfhood. It is to be said that rights entail responsibilities. The following set of rules is based on the fundamental tenet that each individual has a responsibility to respect the rights of the other and is expected to conduct himself/herself with self-discipline and dignity.
Rules of Student Conduct on the Campus
Ragging According to the Prohibition of Ragging Act, Kerala, 1998, Section 3, the Principal is bound, whenever any student or a teacher of an educational Institution/Hostel or the parent or guardian of the students, as the case may be, complains in writing about ragging either inside or outside their institution, to take prompt action (by reporting to the police) in accordance with the said Act, in order to nip in the bud the deleterious consequences of ragging, both physical and mental, on the victims.
Vehicular Traffic on the Campus
On working days, entry and exit of vehicles are allowed only through the designated gate of the college. Vehicles are expected to be parked only in the space provided for the purpose. Parking on the campus is at the owner’s risk.
Mobile Phone
Use of mobile phones within the classroom when the classes are in progress is not allowed.
Identity Card
Students should wear the identification cards provided by the college. If a student leaves the college during class hours he/she should register their passage using the same at the security post.
General Discipline
In accordance with the local culture and tradition and the policy of the management the following guidelines are given to the students regarding how they should conduct themselves in the college campus. Students of the college shall co-operate with the college authorities and staff to ensure an atmosphere conducive to the academic activities and the overall development of the community and for the maintenance of discipline on the campus.
- Respectful behaviour towards the staff at all times is expected of every student of the college.
- Classes will be conducted from 9 am. to 4 pm. Students should on no account arrive late for the class. At the stroke of the second bell, students should stand up for the morning prayer.
- No student shall enter a classroom other than his/her own without the permission from the principal or members of the staff, whether it is before, during or after the working hours.
- Students shall use the college properties with care and keep the building and furniture clean.
- No student is allowed to collect money from their colleagues either by request or by compulsion or buy and sell any article in the college campus except with specific permission of the Principal.
- The loss or damage caused to the college articles will have to be made good by the student concerned by paying double the value of damaged/lost item.
- Students should obtain permission from the college authorities to stay back after 5 p.m.
Disciplinary Action
In the interest of the institution and for the sake of discipline, the Principal is entitled to refuse admission to an applicant / to suspend/ dismiss or take any other punitive action on any student for misconduct.
Misconduct shall include:
- Staying away from classes without sufficient reason.
- Disrespectful behavior toward the staff.
- Inciting students to strike classes and participate in strike in the college.
- Loitering on the verandas during class hours and creating disturbance to the classes in progress. (During free hours the students are expected to make use of the library or go to the retiring rooms).
- Disorderly behavior in class.
- Organizing tours without the permission of the principal.
- Organizing meetings in the college or displaying notices on the college notice board or walls without the permission of the principal.
- Bringing outsiders into the college campus, without the per-mission of college authority.
- Distributing leaflets, handbills or other printed materials and displaying banners and posters inside the campus.
- Graffiti of all kinds
- consumption of alcoholic beverages and use of narcotic drugs. (Criminal proceedings will be initiated against those found under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs on the campus).
- Vandalism and destruction of college property will be severely dealt with and material loss will be fully recovered with fine.
- All expressions or activities which are immoral, antisocial, communal and anti-national. The Principal is the final authority on matters of discipline.