
Nature Club
The Nature Club of Grace International Academy aims at instilling an attitude of enthusiastic appreciation for nature. The nature club consists of a dedicated set of nature enthusiasts who embodies passion as well devotion to Mother Earth. Nature club encourages its members to be proactive towards nurturing a habit of sustainable outlook towards environment protection.
Debate Club
Our Debate club began with the agenda of cultivating as well as promoting pedagogy of intellectualism and radical thinking. Our Debate club primarily focuses on improving the speaking skill along with the logic and reasoning skills of our student community. It provides an opportunity for the shy one’s to improve their oratorical skills. The major objective behind the club is to enable the students to express themselves more eloquently and confidently.

Film Club
Grace started a Film club with the intention of exploring the world of films and hence it provides the young people an opportunity to be a part of something fun, creative and sociable. The objectives of the club involves screening movies or Documentary that focuses on managerial skills like leadership, team spirit, group dynamics, creativity, self-motivation etc. Screening of interesting and unique movies ultimately helps to acquaint the students with various cultural backgrounds.
Sports Club
Sports Club of Grace was formed with the aim to encourage physical activities and sports amongst the students. It provides an excellent opportunity for the students to participate in numerous indoor and outdoor activities and games like caroms, chess, badminton, football, volleyball and the many like. The sports club is committed to the goal of promoting healthy sporting habit among the students. The club organizes events like Sports Day and various other Inter-house competitions.

Arts Club
Arts club is functioning in the collegeto bring out the artistic talent and to encourage the students in expressing their thoughts, feelings and creativity through various art forms. Students are identified in the arena of Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Mimicry, Solo Dance, Group Dance, Drama, Folk Song, Short Film, Acting etc.; and offer training to improve their skills in fine arts. Our institution intends to uphold the relative merits of the students and to expose them to the higher order society.